Converting Langfiles using Bash and Translate-Shell

Introduction The most mundane task a developer can be asked to do is creating new lang files (adding support for Spanish,German ) in your app. Unless you are using a library for dynamic translation in your app or browser capabilities,the whole process to convert the base language file (say English) to other languages is just time-consuming also if the software you are working on is huge, say 5k lines of text on the base language file.

Intro to Regular Expressions

Introduction Being a Linux user and not coming across Regular Expressions or regex is next to impossible. I kept seeing the cryptic little set of characters everywhere and the people who could use it looked like ninjas to me. They are everywhere text editor's, JavaScript, Python, JAVA , Bash……and the list goes on. XKCD Regex Comic What Exactly is a Regular Expression? A regular expression is a string containing a combination of normal characters and special meta-characters or meta-sequences.

Writing a Shell in C

Do you have dreams about writing C shells by the sea shore? That makes two of us. One of the many cool projects you can make while learning to program in the Linux environment is to make a command-line interpreter like the Bash shell or the command prompt in windows. In the process you will learn how to handle fork + exec calls and the various system calls associated with the working of a shell.